The crystal shard tv tropes
The crystal shard tv tropes

the crystal shard tv tropes
  1. #The crystal shard tv tropes manual#
  2. #The crystal shard tv tropes crack#

They'll do it if there's no reason to think the creature should have DNA in the first place. If they are not physically viable, rest assured there are scientists somewhere who will fiddle with DNA until a hybrid is created. The mother is in a majority of cases the human. Demons, elves, aliens, vampires, you name it - not only will a human sleep with it, they'll engender children. In fiction, human beings can conceive children with any intelligent species in existence. This makes it extremely unlikely that creatures of different planets would be able to interbreed, but then again, Mars does need women. In reality, many closely related Earth species share over 99% of their DNA, but cannot produce viable offspring. This is present in most unrealistic fictional genres, including Science Fiction (or, rather Space Opera), fantasy, horror, etc. Mix-and-Match Critters with a dash of human thrown in! PAGES WILL BE DELETED OTHERWISE IF THEY ARE MISSING BASIC MARKUP. DON'T MAKE PAGES MANUALLY UNLESS A TEMPLATE IS BROKEN, AND REPORT IT THAT IS THE CASE. THIS SHOULD BE WORKING NOW, REPORT ANY ISSUES TO Janna2000, SelfCloak or RRabbit42. The Trope workshop specific templates can then be removed and it will be regarded as a regular trope page after being moved to the Main namespace.

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    #The crystal shard tv tropes manual#

    Before making a single edit, Tropedia EXPECTS our site policy and manual of style to be followed.Since his body is made of diamond, he can sink in water. The two shards on his back can also leave him stuck on a wall or on other surfaces that he gets knocked into. While Shardshoulders can regenerate limbs, there is a limit to how much damage he can recover from.

    #The crystal shard tv tropes crack#

    Shardshoulders can crack and shatter if impacted with enough force or exposed to strong sonic vibrations and might even fall unconscious. Shardshoulders can regenerate, but to a limited extent. Shardshoulders's body resembles a living prism, allowing weapons similar to lasers to be refracted and rendered useless.ĭue to the natural density of crystal, Shardshoulders is extremely durable to physical impacts.īecause of Shardshoulders being made out of organic crystals, Shardshoulders is immune to aging, as crystals do not age. He can reshape his projectiles into limited shapes, and can also form gaping hands to capture enemies. He can also generate crystals from the ground at a distance. He can make monstrous and large clusters of crystals, conjuring walls and forming crystal shields and ramps that he can slide upon. Moreover, he can control all crystals he generates. He has the ability to manipulate the atomic structure of his physiology at will, allowing him to form his limbs into diamond weapons such as blades and bludgeons. Shardshoulders's body is composed of extremely thick organic green crystals. Shardshoulders wears the Omnitrix symbol on his chest. In Ye Olde Laser Duel, Shardshoulders wore a green vest with blue orbs on his chest and shoulders over his regular uniform, as well as a fake brown mustache.

    the crystal shard tv tropes the crystal shard tv tropes

    His outfit was also decorated with three yellow upside down triangles forming a vertical fast forward symbol on each side of his legs. In Don't Laze Me, Bro, Shardshoulders grew the crystal formation on his head so that it resembled a pompadour and wore a red bandanna around it. He wears a uniform which is black with a yellow "V" stripe on the middle of his torso. He sports two crystal shards on his back and has a sharp point on his head. His body is composed of durable pale green crystals. Shardshoulders is a silicon-based life form. Shardshoulders is the Omnitrix's DNA sample of a Petrosapien Subsapien from the planet Petropia.

    The crystal shard tv tropes