#Chinese chess tactics professional#
In the program are included courses in tactics, strategy, openings, middle game, and endgame, split by levels from beginners to experienced players, and even professional players. Analyse tactics problems after completion to better understand the solution. Setup positions from FEN or by arranging the pieces on the board with the board editor. Diamond members can request up to 8 analysis threads, analysing many times more positions per second than an engine running on your device could provide. Cloud engines allow you to run high quality analysis without using up your own device's battery. Analyse positions using our cloud engines (requires premium membership). Learn by playing through master games and get scored on how well you match the master's moves. Note: Some custom sets types need to be created on the Chesstempo website before being used on the app. Custom sets that can target a particular endgame type, endgames you keep getting wrong, or utilise spaced repetition for training. Practice endgames from 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 piece endgame positions extracted from real games. For premium members, the ability to use the cloud engine to ask for analysis on any position.
#Chinese chess tactics for free#
Use the opening explorer to choose moves for your repertoire (limited to a depth of 10 moves for free members). Graphs showing repertoire learning status and learning history over time. Export repertoire and your comments and annotations to PGN. Add engine evaluations or annotations such as +=, ?! etc to each move in the repertoire. Comment on each position or move, and read the comments others have chosen to make public. Ability to train against the moves that are proving the most resistant to spaced repetition learning. Option to restrict training to a limited depth. Limit training to a branch of a repertoire, a single repertoire, or all repertoires of a colour. Train your repertoires using spaced repetition. Import repertoires from PGN or by entering the moves on the board. Create multiple black and white repertoires. UI, and selected via the advanced custom sets feature. For premium members, have tactics problems extracted from your rated games, and available for solving in the tactics training Instances of stockfish, allowing high quality results to be returned in a few seconds. Game analysis is spread out over our cluster of hundreds of
#Chinese chess tactics full#
Get a full post game analysis after every rated game played. Supports both live and correspondence chess games Play chess against other Chesstempo users. Note, custom sets can be used on the app, but need to be first created on the website. Wrong are prioritised over those you are already able to solve. Spaced repetition learning algorithm sets where problems you keep getting Sets that target your previous mistakes, allowing you to repeat problems until correct. Sets that target a particular tactical motif such as pin, fork, discovered attack etc. For premium members, solve against sophisticated custom sets that target your weaknesses, for example: Includes both winning and defensive problem types. Improve your tactics by solving tactical problems, with over 100,000 puzzles available. Chess tempo - Train chess tactics, Play o Описание The Chess Tempo app provides a mobile and tablet friendly interface for features.